Four at-large seats on the Murphy City Council will be decided in a Saturday, May 3, general election.
Candidates began filing on Wednesday, Jan. 15, and will have until 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 14, to seek a place on the ballot.
The election is for Place 1, held by Mayor pro tem Elizabeth Abraham, Place 2, held by Councilmember Scott Smith, Place 4 held by Councilmember Ken Oltmann and Place 6, held by Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Jené Butler.
All four incumbent councilmembers have already filed for re-election, the city secretary said.
Other members of the council are Place 3 Councilmember Andrew Chase and Place 5 Councilmember Laura Deel. The mayor is Scott Bradley.
Candidate packets are available from the office of City Secretary Kandi Jackson.
To qualify for the election, a candidate must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the election for which they are filing, a registered voter and a resident of Murphy or recently annexed territory for at least 12 months immediately preceding Election Day.
“Candidates for elective city offices shall file for office in accordance with the Texas Election Code and comply with all other city ordinances or resolutions that may be applicable,” Jackson said.
No candidate may file for election to more than one municipal office and no city of Murphy employee may continue their employment with the city after filing for an elective office.
The last day to register to vote is Thursday, April 3, and early voting will be held from Tuesday, April 22, to Tuesday, April 29.
Voting will be held in the Homer and Marie Adams Room of the Murphy Community Center, 205 N. Murphy Road.
Candidates have until 5 p.m. Thursday, April 3, to file their First Report of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures with the Second Report due by 5 p.m. Friday, April 25, the city secretary said.
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