City combines financial policies

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Latest

Mary Pat Elledge, president of the Murphy Veterans Tribute, briefs councilmembers on a Collin County matching grant at last week’s meeting.

The Murphy City Council has adopted comprehensive financial management policy statements “to strengthen internal control over financial management, protect the city’s credit rating, and help the city meet current and future service demands.”

The resolution was approved Tuesday, Jan. 21, at council’s regular meeting held after a work session to review the policies.

Also at the meeting, Mary Pat Elledge, president of the Murphy Veterans Tribute (MVT) project, said the 501(c)(3) nonprofit had set the goal of building and dedicating its park this year.

Juli Richards, executive director of the Murphy Chamber of Commerce, said the annual Spring Fever vendor fair would be held Saturday, April 26, in Central Park.

For more on this story see the January 30, 2025 print, or digital edition of the Murphy Monitor. Subscribe today and support local journalism in your community.


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