Veteran officers promote leadership, patriotism

by | Nov 17, 2022 | Education, Latest

For 103 years, members of one of the nation’s oldest patriotic, nonpartisan veterans service organizations have continued to serve their communities — and their country — with a purpose to “promote patriotism, civic responsibility, public service and leadership in the nation’s communities.”

Today, over 6,300 men and women in 14 regions are members (companions) of the Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW), founded by former General of the Armies John J. “Blackjack” Pershing, who encouraged his officers to form an organization so they could continue serving their country — but in a different capacity — following World War I.

The organization has an impressive roster of past and present Commanders in Chief — including Maj. Gen. Douglas MacArthur — and its 91st Commander in Chief, retired Lt. Col. Michael Okin, is tasked with equipping and leading the nonprofit into the future.

Region 8 serves nine chapters in Texas, two in Oklahoma and one in Kansas. Serving in a dual capacity for MOWW as Vice Commander of Region 8 and Commander of the North Texas MOWW Chapter 234 is retired U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 Jacques Loraine of Wylie. Loraine, a retired Raytheon executive, has an extensive background in Army intelligence and served in the Air Force.

When Loraine’s term as commander is complete, he plans to become even more active in youth leadership in what he describes as “one of the best, least known veteran’s organizations in America.”

To join MOWW, contact or donate visit

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