Candidate says wastewater plant is biggest issue

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Latest

The most pressing issue facing Murphy is the proposed wastewater treatment plant, said councilmember Jene Butler, who is seeking her second term on Murphy City Council.

“Although the wastewater treatment plant will be in Parker, it will directly impact our city, citizens, Maxwell Creek, our ecosystem and neighboring subdivision,” Butler said. “We, as a city, must do what is in our best interest and protect our city from the detrimental effects of the wastewater treatment plant.”

Butler said she is proud to stand with the citizens of Murphy, as well as the rest of council, in a concerted effort to stop a development that will impact the city in a harmful way.

First elected in 2019, Butler said she wants to complete her service to the city and residents of Murphy, adding she has supported many projects and initiatives, such as renovating Maxwell Creek, North Hill Park and Travis Farms Park.

“I want to finish working on the branding for the Murphy Commercial District and connecting the sidewalks in the city,” Butler said. “I wish to continue to represent the citizens of Murphy, along with the other council members, in opposing the Grasslands LLC and Harrington/Turner Enterprises, LP wastewater treatment plant project.”

Although Butler said she will contribute in many areas, she said her work with the Murphy Chamber of Commerce is where she will make the biggest contribution.

“During the pandemic, I was made aware of a concern of business owners about our sign permits, which limited the amount of time a sign or banner could be displayed,” Butler said. “I brought this before council and we unanimously voted to extend this time to help our local businesses.”

The candidate said she is civic-minded, an active listener and leads with integrity, which are some of the leadership qualities she will bring if she is re-elected.

“I research issues that come before council to make informed decisions,” Butler said. “I am open-minded and willing to listen to others and their point of view.”

Butler said she enjoys meeting community members, adding that she is approachable and always willing to help.

“As a leader, it is important to understand the needs of the people,” Butler said. “This is one of my greatest strengths.”


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