Murphy City Council considered a variance to a sign ordinance and approved a request for a cell node during the Jan. 4 regular city council meeting.
Council approved a request from The Celeris Group, on behalf of AT&T, to place a cell node that would provide residents with 5G coverage, within the right of way at 633 Summerfield Drive.
The node would be attached to a streetlight, which is already installed and placed in a residential neighborhood, but the streetlight’s base would need to be replaced.
Council also considered allowing a variance of the Murphy code of ordinance to allow a nonconforming sign located at 1101 N. Murphy Road.
Mayor Scott Bradley said that the property will soon be redeveloped. The veterinary practice will be moving, he said, and the sign would come down shortly, so he doesn’t think it will be an issue.
Council approved the request unanimously.
For the full story, see the Jan. 13 issue of The Murphy Monitor.