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Murphy PD makes history

Murphy PD makes history

Murphy Police Records Supervisor Kim Gann and Lt. Adana Barber, along with Lt. Aaron McCarty (not pictured), are responsible for the speedy implementation of new policies and procedures. The Murphy Police Department has received national attention for its achievement...

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Author, biblical scholar releases latest book

Author, biblical scholar releases latest book

Wylie author John Hobbs recently released his latest book, “Digging Deep into Scripture.,” which takes an in-depth look at issues such as true discipleship, the nature of the Bible, the Holy Spirit and more. John Hobbs, DMin., a retired math teacher and pastor from...

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Optional curriculum features Bible lessons

Optional curriculum features Bible lessons

Texas school districts may now choose reading and English language lessons linked to the Bible. By an 8-7 vote Friday, Nov. 22, the State Board of Education (SBOE) approved the optional Bluebonnet Learning curriculum drafted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for...

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ISDs get high grades

ISDs get high grades

The Plano Independent School District and the Wylie Independent School District have received grades of “A” for financial integrity and accountability from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the 2023-2024 school year. “These school systems reflect a continued...

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Life & Style

Advance garden prep saves time, aids spring crops

Advance garden prep saves time, aids spring crops

With the exception of winter crops like hearty spinach and kale, Collin County gardeners should remove spent plants and debris from vegetable beds and flower gardens to prepare for spring crops. As winter’s chill settles over Collin County, gardeners might be tempted...

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Festive destinations for a memorable Christmas

Festive destinations for a memorable Christmas

Breckinridge, Colorado is a festive place to visit during the holidays. Courtesy photo While many people dream of being home for the holidays, there’s a special magic in traveling during the Christmas season. Whether you’re craving snow-capped mountains, tropical...

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Iceboxes are cool

Iceboxes are cool

Columnist John Moore has an ice box that's been in his family for a long time. One that still works if he ever needs it. Courtesy John Moore The fridge. Frigerator. Some even called it, “The Frigidaire.” A few decades ago it had many names. Growing up, my family...

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A hare much

A hare much

Columnist John Moore recalls the friends of his youth, including Harvey The Rabbit. Courtesy John Moore I never had more than one at a time, but I had stuffed animals.  Don’t all kids have a security blanket when they’re young? At first, I had a monkey who had a...

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Dream On

Dream On

I’m fairly certain my dreams have a drug dealer. What is it with dreams? Sleep is supposed to be an 8-hour window (mine’s never that long) when we rest, regenerate, and arise feeling as refreshed as the person in the Folger’s commercial who throws back the covers and...

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Hope for the holidays

Hope for the holidays

I especially love this time of the year! The Christmas season brings back so many fond memories from my childhood. Growing up in the humble neighborhoods of Brooklyn didn’t allow us to have much other than the music of Nat King Cole and Johnny Mathis. I was too young...

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What was in store

What was in store

John Moore continues to shop at mom and pop stores for may reasons stating where else do you get a free calendar every year? Courtesy John Moore When Wal Mart grew, warnings that it would put the mom-and-pop businesses under seemed to come true. Now, online businesses...

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A lot of class

A lot of class

In the movie “The Big Chill,” a group of old friends gather for the funeral of one of their own, and it turns into a reunion. Recently, a group of my old friends gathered for a reunion, and it turned into a gathering for a funeral. I got the call on the way to the...

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