Don Munsch
A hare much

A hare much

Columnist John Moore recalls the friends of his youth, including Harvey The Rabbit. Courtesy John Moore I never had more than one at a time, but I had stuffed animals.  Don’t all kids have a security blanket when they’re young? At first, I had a monkey who had a...

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Local resident scares up costumes, brightens spirits

Local resident scares up costumes, brightens spirits

If Brandy Maier wore a Halloween costume, most likely her friends and family would say she could easily be Superwoman because she isn’t afraid to jump in to save the day when she sees a need.  For the last seven years, the Murphy resident has provided Halloween...

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Bond for sidewalks, trails explored

Bond for sidewalks, trails explored

 While a new James Bond flick plays in local theaters, Murphy City Councilmembers have their minds on another kind of bond — a sidewalk and trails bond.  For the complete story, see the latest edition of the Murphy Monitor. By Don Munsch...

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Proposed wastewater plant doesn’t pass the sniff test

Proposed wastewater plant doesn’t pass the sniff test

 Murphy residents and leaders last week rejected a Texas Commission on Environmental Quality proposal for their community.  At the Oct. 19 meeting, Murphy City Council approved a resolution opposing the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality application...

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District looks at rezoning elementary school boundaries

District looks at rezoning elementary school boundaries

Students attending Dodd Elementary School in the future would switch to Smith Elementary as part of a rezoning change being considered by Wylie ISD. The change would go into effect for the 2022-23 school year and beyond. Wylie ISD board members heard about the plans...

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Principals must adapt to ever-changing demands

Principals must adapt to ever-changing demands

Todd Williams traveled extensively as a child, as his father’s job took the family many places around the country.  After a trek that took the family from such places as Virginia to the Midwest to Maine, the family eventually made a stop in Texas. Williams attended...

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Murphy to celebrate Arbor Day

Murphy to celebrate Arbor Day

Deadline to volunteer for Arbor Day events in Murphy is around the corner.  Arbor Day plantings will be conducted on the morning of Nov. 6, and signup deadline is Oct. 29, Murphy city officials said.  For the complete story, see the current edition of...

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Students learn about manufacturing

Students learn about manufacturing

The woman approached Lone Star Circuits and said she wanted a job and would work hard, and then she said something else that she found relevant.  She had a horse to feed.  Steven B. Cole told that story about an employee’s grit to high school students gathered in...

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