Murphy City Council OK’d a 2024 tax rate of 41 cents per $100 property valuation. The final rate would be set after a public budget hearing on Tuesday, Sept. 5. The proposed tax rate is 12.5% less than last year.
In other business at the Tuesday, Aug. 15 meeting, councilmembers endorsed the Planning & Zoning Commission’s approval of the site plan for IAM Masjid, Murphy’s first mosque, on the northeast corner of North Murphy Road and McMillen Drive.
Council also selected a double-arch design for lighted pedestrian bridges across Maxwell Creek on either side of FM 544. The next step is to determine where the funding will come from.
To read the entire story, subscribe to Murphy Monitor and read the Aug. 24 issue.
NTMWD to temporarily change water disinfectant in March
The North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) announced it will temporarily switch the disinfectant used in its water treatment process from Mar. 3 to 31, 2025. The annual change, a routine maintenance procedure, is essential for maintaining water quality and...