Challenger wants more resident input

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Latest

Murphy City Council candidate Laura Deel said she wants to promote diversity, protect the environment and improve the city’s infrastructure.

Deel is challenging incumbent Place 5 Councilmember Sarah Fincanon in the May 6 election.

“I believe increased community engagement to solicit input from the residents will enable council to do this more effectively,” Deel said. “I am committed to listening, researching topics, being transparent and promoting inclusivity and free speech.”

Deel is a graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas and holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in computer science.

Before becoming a stay-at-home-mom, she was a senior manager at Cisco Systems for 15 years, she said.

Deel also served on Murphy’s Board of Adjustment from June 2016 through December 2022.

“I built a successful career by fostering relationships, empowering others, solving problems and communicating effectively,” she said

Deel said those skills would be utilized well on council when working with city staff, other councilmembers and Murphy residents.

“I lead with integrity and believe in being open and honest and holding myself accountable to those impacted by my actions,” she said.

Asked about the most pressing issue facing council, Deel said the city needs to fight the water treatment plant proposed for the city of Parker that will dump wastewater into Maxwell Creek.

Deel also said council needs to solicit resident input outside regular meetings and she would like for city events to celebrate multicultural diversity.

“I will bring new energy and perspective to council and help facilitate engagement from residents in order to evolve our offerings,” she said.

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