Here we are again…it seems like just a few months ago we were celebrating year-end holidays, and now we’re just days away from Christmas Day. How time flies!
Christmas may hold different meanings for many people. For some, they remember family and friends that are no longer with them. Some focus on creating a festive environment around the home and for the children. And for others, it may be time of rest and reflection.
But God had a very intentional purpose for sending His Son Jesus Christ to the world. And regardless of all the thoughts and reasons surrounding the celebration of Christ’s birth, we would all benefit from being reminded of its fundamental truth. The overarching reason is that Jesus came down here to us, so that we can go back and be with Him.
That’s why the scriptures reveal what God spoke to the prophet Isaiah, that he (Jesus) will be called Immanuel, which means ‘God with us.’ The overall purpose of Jesus’s arrival is comprised of several very applicable reasons to our everyday lives. I’d like to focus on two of my favorite reasons that speak to both believers and unbeliever
First, Jesus came that we may have life, and enjoy it! Jesus reveals His purpose found in John 10:10 as being the exact opposite of the purpose of Satan. While Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus stated that He came that we may have life and enjoy it! Many think of God as someone who throws lightning bolts from heaven, but that’s not at all the description of the God of the Bible.
Jesus said that He wants you and I to not only have life, but to enjoy it. That’s the difference between just existing and living. He wants us to have an abundant life that brings Him honor. So, if you think your life without Jesus is fun, you’ve got it backwards and don’t realize what you’re missing…only Jesus can give you abundant life in its truest form.
But Jesus also came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). Anyone who doesn’t have an authentic relationship with God through Christ is identified as lost. The great news is that God loved us so much, that He sent His Son to not only seek the lost, but to save them as well.
If you know someone who is lost, or reading this and find yourself in that category, rest assured that God is searching for you. He’s using people and circumstances around you to get your attention towards Him. So, do not reject His attempts to draw your heart towards Him…remember, that’s why Jesus came…that He would draw you to Him so that you can live with Him forever.
That puts a whole new perspective on Christmas. It’s not about lights, parties, and gifts. But rather about the greatest gift given to mankind…Jesus. So, as you celebrate this Christmas, focus on the true purpose of Christmas, why He came, and share it with others so that they may know the truth about the coming of the Messiah.
Tis the season!
A very blessed CHRISTmas to you all!
By Rick Wood
Pastor, Pursuit Christian Fellowship, Sachse
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