Letters about Literature contest open

by | Nov 17, 2022 | Education, Latest

The Texas Center for the Book has launched the 2022-23 Letters About Literature Texas contest, a program that invites students to respond to authors about how their books or poetry have touched their lives. 

Fourth through 12th grade students are eligible to enter the contest. 

Participants select a book, book series, essay, play, poem, short story or speech that has made a lasting impact. They then write a personal letter to the author that reflects how they have been changed, inspired or motivated by the work or works. 

In 2023, contest participants are eligible for enhanced cash prizes because of contributions by the Nora Roberts Foundation and the Texas Library and Archives Foundation. Each winner’s school library will receive a $200 stipend.

Additionally, state winners will be honored at the 2023 Texas Library Association Conference in Austin. All submissions for the 2022-23 contest must be submitted through the online platform by 5 p.m., Dec. 17

For all students under 13 as of Nov. 4, a permission form is required. 

To learn more about the contest, prizes for participants, how to submit and to view winning entries from previous years, visit tsl.texas.gov/lettersaboutliterature.
The site includes a Frequently Asked Questions page, student and teacher submission guidelines, letters from past winners, videos from authors and the official contest rules. The Educator Resources page also has printable bookmarks and student handouts, participation certificates, key dates, permission forms and a step-by-step teaching guide featuring writing prompts. 

For more information on Texas Center for the Book initiatives, visit tsl.texas.gov/centerforthebook. 

Established in 1987, the Texas Center for the Book seeks to stimulate public interest in books, reading, literacy and libraries. The Center builds partnerships with library professionals, educators, authors, publishers and booksellers who provide support to our shared mission of promoting a love of literature throughout the Lone Star State. The Texas Center for the Book is under the direction of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission at the Lorenzo De Zavala State Archives and Library Building in Austin.


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