Wylie High School’s award-winning theater program opens up one of its fall productions tonight after several weeks of work.
Director of Theatre Polly Harrison said work on this year’s production, “The 39 Steps” by Patrick Barlow, has been ongoing for seven weeks since school began. Harrison has been the director at Wylie High for the past nine years.
This year’s production is about Richard Hannay and his quest to prove his innocence while uncovering a plot to sell British military secrets. A spy ring called The 39 Steps is behind most of the plot that takes place in England and Scotland.
The fall play has a very limited run with only two showtimes on Thursday, Oct. 6, and Saturday, Oct. 8. Both shows begin at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door and cost $5 for students and $10 for adults.
More information about upcoming Wylie High theater productions can be found at wylietheatre.com.
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