Residents who want to file a property tax protest have a fast-approaching deadline, according to Collin Central Appraisal District.
CCAD Chief Appraiser Bo Daffin said the deadline to a file property tax protest is Monday, May 16.
For notices mailed on April 15, the statutory deadline in the Tax Code is May 15, but the code requires the deadline to be extended to the next business day if it falls on the weekend, said Daffin.
As stated on the CCAD website, an appraisal district in each county sets the value of property each year and administers exemptions, and an Appraisal Review Board settles disagreements between property owners and the appraisal district about property values and exemptions.
The board also makes determinations on challenges initiated by taxing units. In addition, CCAD officials explained, local taxing units, which include the county, city, school district and special districts, decide how much money they will spend, and this, in turn, determines the total amount of taxes that property owners must pay.
Protests must be written, identify the property owner, identify the property being protested and list the reason or reasons the property owner is disputing the value.
Resident protests must be filed by mail, in-person or online and the Appraisal Review Board will set the hearing, providing the resident with the time, date and location at least 15 days before the hearing.
Typically, residential hearings are conducted from mid-May to early July and consist of a three-member panel, unless a single-member panel is requested.
According to the CCAD website, beginning April 16 and running through May 15, staff appraisers will conduct real property informal reviews with property owners and their tax agents.
The statutory deadline for certifying tax rolls, which municipalities will use to set their budgets, is July 25.
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