Sidewalk parade signup deadline Nov. 15

by | Nov 14, 2019 | Latest

Murphy residents have through Friday, Nov. 15, to sign up for the Christmas Sidewalk Parade to be held as part of the 11th annual Christmas in the Park celebration Thursday, Dec. 5.

The holiday event is at Murphy Municipal Complex, 206 N. Murphy Road. Free parking is available at Kimbrough Stadium and a shuttle will provide transportation to the festivities.

The sidewalk parade kicks off the evening at 5:30 p.m. as decorated golf carts, ATVs, wagons and bicycles travel the trails around the complex, ending in from of City Hall.

Parade theme this year is Holiday Classics, which can include movies, books, holiday characters and more. Entries can be no longer than 10 feet. Parade applications can be found on the city of Murphy website.

The community Christmas tree lighting ceremony is set for 5:45 p.m. and the holiday event runs until 8 p.m.

Also on tap are crafts and games for children, food and craft vendors, holiday performances and marshmallow roasting.

Every attendee is asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy to be donated to Collin County Children’s Advocacy Center.


For more stories like this, see the Nov. 14 issue or subscribe online.


From Staff Reports • [email protected]


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