$99,000 water system analysis presented to council last week
Data from a 6-month study of the city of Murphy water system was presented to the city council last week and failed to account for a 35 percent difference between the amount of water purchased from North Texas Municipal Water District and the amount billed to customers.
Results of the study by Valor Water Analytics were presented at a regular council meeting Tuesday, Nov. 6 by Kristine Gali, Valor technical program manager.
Objective of the study, Gali noted, was to identify water loss and to reduce billing discrepancies. The study cost the city $99,000.
She reported that the Murphy water system has 6,550 meters and that 254 were flagged for possible inaccurate readings. Gali also noted that the number of water meters decreased by 800 in 2013-14, which could indicate that they were no longer electronically transmitting usage data.
For the full story, see the Nov. 15 issue or subscribe online.
By Joe Reavis • [email protected]