These students’ good grades may end up on a Christmas ornament if their parents take heed to Biology Teacher Mrs. Breegan Gholson’s advice about her own parents’ doing.
Mrs. Gholson was the guest speaker at the ninth annual National Honor Society induction ceremony in the auditorium where 95 students were formally inducted Oct. 29.
“We as educators, friends and family in this room are here for you. Celebrate your successes,” Gholson said.
To qualify for NHS, applicants must maintain a 90 or above average and have exceptional character, service, leadership and scholarship. The NHS officers kicked off the night with the customary candle lighting and introduction of the NHS pillars.
Each inductee was called to the stage where they accepted their induction certificate from Mr. Williams, shook Mrs. Gholson’s hand, signed their name into the register, then had a photo taken with their honored guest.
For the full story, see the Nov. 15 issue or subscribe online.
By Casi Thedford • WEHS Journalism Teacher