Students and teachers from Murphy received awards last week from Murphy Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Foundation.
The awards presentation was made Tuesday, May 15, at the monthly chamber of commerce luncheon held at First Baptist Church of Murphy. The luncheon was sponsored by Popcorn is Bliss and catered by Christina’s Fine Mexican Restaurant.
Chamber President Celso Martinez welcomed guests and Chamber Director John Lashbrook introduced the teachers and students receiving awards.
Six students, three each from Plano East Senior High and Wylie High School, received $1,500 scholarships and four teachers received $500 grants to enhance instruction in their classrooms.
The chamber started its scholarship program in 2006 and has awarded $90,000 to deserving students. Teacher grants started in 2011.
Prior to moving to Murphy two years ago, PESH student Abenezer Nuro started a charity organization, We Are One, to help orphaned children. Nuro was active in a science and technology club he founded, won a national robotics competition, played and taught piano for his church and managed a website for a human rights organization. He will attend Georgia Institute of Technology to study computer science.
Joe Reavis • [email protected]
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