Staff Writer
Want to make an impact in your city? How about joining one of the boards and commissions currently looking for members?
Currently, there are 29 openings within the city of Murphy.
The Animal Shelter Advisory Committee is looking to fill two spots and meets a minimum of three times per year. There are six members on the board who discuss ideas that help ensure that the animal shelter is in compliance with the state department of health rules pertaining to animal shelters.
The Board of Adjustments is seeking to fill six seats, which includes four regular members and two alternates. The 11-person board meets as needed. They authorize requests for variances from the zoning ordinance when it is not contrary to the public interest.
Three of five positions on the Building and Fire Code Appeals Board are up for renewal or appointment. The board meets as needed and hears appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official or fire official relative to the application and interpretation of various building and fire codes.
For the full story see the Oct. 19 issue or subscribe online.