Every year the Reflections art contest comes and goes, but this year the Wylie PTA is looking for more entrants. The 2018 contest is accepting entries through the end of October and each school will have a separate deadline.
The Reflections program has been running ever since 1969, and continues to be an art recognition and achievement program for young students. Every year, they choose a new theme and this year’s theme is “Within Reach.” The contest is open to all students between Kindergarten and 12th grade. To be eligible, the student must have at least one person in their household who is a member of their school’s PTA.
“This program gives the young artists tons of opportunity to not only showcase their art but also earn scholarships for college,” Chair of Arts in Education of the Wylie PTA Kelly Madry said.
The contest is broken up into six different categories: literature, photography, video productions, visual arts, music composition and special artists. Each student is allowed as many entries as they wish. The categories are first judged at the school level, then they will move forward to city, then state with the potential to advance all the way to the national level. The entries will be judged upon their ability to understand and capture the theme of the year. All entrants will be rewarded with a certificate, but the further the piece advances, the higher the rewards become.
“My daughter advanced to the state level, so our family got to travel to San Antonio to attend an award ceremony and see the art on display,” Madry said.
At the national level, there is the overall winner in each category who receives a gold medal, an $800 Young Artist scholarship, recognition in the traveling art exhibit and a $200 local PTA award. Following that, there will be three in each division of the categories who are picked to receive a silver medal, a $200 Young Artist scholarship and recognition in the traveling art exhibit.
Several businesses around Wylie are willing to help students who want to participate in this contest. These include Painting with a Twist, Ballard Street Music and the Smith Public Library. The city plans to host an awards ceremony for all levels the students reach with their submissions. Students also have a chance to get their work displayed inside the Smith Public Library.
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