By Nancy Whitney
Staff Writer
McMillen High School students enjoy spreading the importance of reading through fun and innovative ways.
The nine-member group of the Library Teen Advisory Board has sponsored many events, aimed at bringing reading to the masses.
Vivian Duong has been a member of TAB for two years.
“I have always been an avid reader,” Vivian said. “This group has been a great opportunity for me to get involved in my school, particularly my school library.”
The group regularly hosts events and contests aimed at getting foot traffic through the library and bringing books to the student population.
Last year, the group held a “Get To Know Your Library” contest, where participants were asked to create a “Remind” account so students could stay up-to-date on what is going on in the library. Everyone who joined Remind, was entered into a drawing. The winner of the drawing received a new book they requested.
In October, TAB organized two events, a “Books Under Cover Contest” and a “Happy Halloween Contest”.
In December the group held a “Take a Guess Contest”, where participants guessed how many items were in a jar and the winner received a new book of his/her choice.
The group recently held a “Valentine’s Day Contest”, where students matched couples from history. The winner of that drawing received a new book of his/her choice.
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