From Staff Reports
Plano Independent School District voters are being asked this Spring to approve a $481 million bond proposal that is not expected to increase the property tax rate.
The proposal will fund a number of initiatives recommended by the Plano ISD Facilities and Technology Task Force appointed in August 2015 and comprised of citizens, business leaders, teachers and parents.
The election is set for May 7.
Plano ISD does not have any school board members up for election this year.
School board trustees called the bond election with one opposing vote. Trustee Yoram Soloman said his primary reason for voting against was that he disapproved of the bond being presented to the public in one bundle.
“Due to state funding mechanisms, Plano ISD’s capital needs, such as construction projects, facility renovations and maintenance and technology upgrades, are funded through bond issuances,” Nancy Humphrey, Plano ISD School Board president, said. “Plano ISD carefully managed funding from bonds authorized in 2008, which were intended to fund four years of capital needs, nearly doubling the bond initiative’s originally planned lifespan.”
Humphrey added that the bond election that was called last week will enable the district to provide needed resources to make district-wide updates including technology improvements, safety and security upgrades, new buses, building renovations, school additions for capacity needs, an additional employee childcare facility, a fourth early childhood center, a Plano ISD fine arts venue and a special education transition center.
“Plano ISD is a vibrant school district serving approximately 55,000 students,” she said. “These capital projects will provide resources to nurture continuous improvement in student learning, and will have zero increase on the tax rate.”
- If the bond is approved; renovations and upgrades totaling about $210 million are planned throughout the district. The district’s website shows upgrades on several campuses, Shepton High School and Robinson Middle School, Barksdale, Gulledge, Haggar, Haun, Miller and Skaggs Elementary Schools, Bowman and Wilson Middle Schools and Jasper and Williams High Schools.
For full story see the Murphy Monitor at