2015 a year of champions

by | Dec 31, 2015 | Uncategorized

Roosevelt Joubert/C&SMediaTexas Plano East senior and Murphy resident Luci Schement attempts to roll over Europa Cabada during the 119-pound state title match Saturday at Garland’s Culwell Center. Schement defeated Cabada 6-0 to win a state crown, ending a quest that saw her advance three straight time to the state tile round, only to lose in 2013 and 2014 before winning this season.

Roosevelt Joubert/C&SMediaTexas
Plano East senior and Murphy resident Luci Schement attempts to roll over Europa Cabada during the 119-pound state title match Saturday at Garland’s Culwell Center. Schement defeated Cabada 6-0 to win a state crown, ending a quest that saw her advance three straight time to the state tile round, only to lose in 2013 and 2014 before winning this season.

By Greg Ford
Sports Editor
[email protected]

Little did the fans of Plano East, Sachse, Wylie and Wylie East know what awaited them in 2015.
Now, as the final days and hours tick away and 2016 approaches, all of them can look back with pride, as each of their respective schools produced state champions: three individuals and one team.
The first to grab state glory was Plano East’s Luci Schement, who won a state title in wrestling. A few hours later, Wylie grappler Ryan Beattie did the same thing.
Both those victories occurred in late February, and two months later the Wylie East girls soccer team hoisted the state title trophy after topping Austin Vandegrift 1-0 — the Lady Vipers beat them by the same score to win the crown in 2014 — in the Class 5A championship in Georgetown.
Last, but not least, was Sachse speedster Devin Duvernay, who blew past the competition in Austin last May to capture the Class 6A 100-meter title.
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