By Nancy Whitney
Staff Writer
The Plano ISD Board of Trustees and the Facilities and Technology Study Task Force is inviting the public to a special called hearing to gather input on a possible bond initiative.
The board of trustees assembled the task force, made up of 30 individuals, in August. Rebecca Egelston Caso chairs the task force.
On the docket for discussion is the committee’s work on reviewing enrollment trends and projections, as well as establishing construction, renovation and technology needs.
“”It has been eight years since the school district has held a bond issue to address major facilities and technology needs,” said Nancy Humphrey, school board president. “The 2008 bond election handled several major projects and was initially planned to provide for capital needs through 2012. Its lifespan will soon be almost twice what was originally intended, and now it is the community’s decision to consider our district’s needs.”
Humphrey added that among the districts goals is to commit that those tax dollars are effectively and efficiently managed to provide quality education and programming for students.
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