After much debate the construction of a new housing subdivision was given the go ahead at last week’s council meeting.
During the Sept. 16 meeting, the Murphy City Council approved an ordinance amending the zoning classification on approximately 6.51 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Betsy Rd. and McCreary Rd. from SF-PH (Single Family Residential Patio Home) to a Planned Developmental District (PDD.)
What I like about it is the quality of the development that is being proposed,” Mayor pro tem Scott Bradley said. “What I wanted to ensure was in five to 10 years from now that this was something that still fits in with Murphy. I’m pretty happy with what has been presented. It took me a long time to get to that point.”
By David Jenkins • Staff Writer • [email protected]
For the complete story see the Sept. 24 edition of Murphy Monitor.